Refugee Education Fund

Refugees from Australian-run detention facilities in Nauru and PNG lost years of their lives to the Australian government's asylum seeker policies – now, we can help them make up for lost time and follow their dreams.

In 2019, our first ever Ads-Up Gala for Aussie ex-pats and allies in New York City raised over $50,000 USD in education grants for former Manus and Nauru detainees rebuilding their lives in the USA. These donations paid for school supplies, computer skills courses, community college courses and vocational training courses.

Owing to COVID-19, we had to cancel our 2020 gala, but we’re still dedicated to supporting the dreams and ambitions of young Manus and Nauru refugees in the USA – that’s why we’re launching our 2021 Education Fund online.

For refugees who arrived with barely more than the clothes on their backs, it's a ticket our of the minimum-wage job cycle and towards their dreams and ambitions for the future, for both themselves and their families.

Donate now to help repair the damage and give Manus and Nauru refugees the opportunities and freedom denied to them for too long >>

Donations are tax-deductible in the USA.

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