COVID-19 Response

It's a brutal time to arrive in the USA with no job, no friends and no support network.

Newly arrived Manus and Nauru refugees are on the front lines of the Coronavirus crisis in the USA. As we enter 2021, dozens of young men, women and families are still arriving into cities which are now re-entering lockdowns in the depths of winter.

Many who arrived months before the crisis were living paycheck-to-paycheck working minimum wage jobs, they were among the first to lose their jobs as the economic crisis hit.

We've mobilized over 100 Aussie volunteers across the United States and remotely in Australia to make sure everyone has support, but we need your help so we can provide stability, support new arrivals and cover crucial medical and dental costs.

Reports show the Coronavirus crisis is hitting poorer communities and immigrant communities significantly harder than anyone else in the US, in both terms of both health and economic impacts. That matches what we're seeing on the ground, which is why we're so grateful for every donor and volunteer who is stepping up to meet the moment.

Please chip in now so we can keep up this support for the duration of this crisis >>

Donations are tax-deductible in the USA.

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